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“Adaptive Deontic Logics”. Handbook of Deontic Logic and Normative Systems 2.
. In Press. 
“Coarse Deontic Logic”. Journal of Logic and Computation.
. In Press. 
“Non-Adjunctive Deontic Logics That Validate Aggregation As Much As Possible”. Journal of Applied Logic.
. In Press. 
“Classical Term-Modal Logics”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION 31: 1026-1054. {}.
. 2021. “Pooling Modalities And Pointwise Intersection: Axiomatization And Decidability”. Studia Logica online first.
. 2020. “Adaptive Deontic Logics: A Survey”. IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications 6: 523-608.
. 2019. 
“How To Take Heroin (If At All). A New Approach To Detachment In Deontic Logic” . Deontic Logic and Normative Systems: 14th International Conference: 317-335.
. 2018. 
“Doing Without Nature”. In Logic, Rationality, and Interaction (LORI), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction (LORI), Sapporro: Springer.
. 2017. 
“Free Choice Permission In Stit”. Logica Yearbook 2016: 289--303.
. 2017. 
“Adaptive Logic Characterizations Of Input/output Logic”. Studia Logica 104(5): 869-916.
. 2016. “Adaptive Strategies And Finite-Conditional Premise Sets”. Journal of Logic and Computation 26: 1517-1539. +
. 2016. 
“Coarse Deontic Logic (Short Version)”. In Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, College Publications.
. 2016. 
“Splitting And Relevance: Broadening The Scope Of Parikh's Concepts”. Logique et Analyse 59(234): 173 -205.
. 2016. 
“Adaptive Logics: A Parametric Approach”. Logic Journal of the IGPL 22: 905-932. +
. 2014. 
“Default Assumptions And Selection Functions: A Generic Framework For Non-Monotonic Logics”. Proceedings of MICAI2013, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 8264: 54-67.
. 2013. 
“Induction From A Single Instance: Incomplete Frames”. Foundations of science 18: 641–653.
. 2013. 

“Preferential Semantics Using Non-Smooth Preference Relations”. Journal of Philosophical Logic 43: 903–942.
. 2013. 

“Prime Implicates And Relevant Belief Revision”. Journal of Logic and Computation 23: 109–119.
. 2013. 
“Three Formats Of Prioritized Adaptive Logics: A Comparative Study”. Logic journal of the IGPL 21: 127–159.
. 2013. 
“Abduction Of Generalizations”. Theoria - revista de teoria historia y fundamentos de la ciencia 27: 345–364.
. 2012. 

“The Dynamics Of Relevance: Adaptive Belief Revision”. Synthese 187: 1-42.
. 2012.