Doctoral Dissertations
Gauderis, Tjerk
Patterns of Hypothesis Formation
[download]Promotor(s): Joke Meheus and Bert Leuridan
Ghent University, March 31, 2014
Gervais, Raoul
Explanation in the Cognitive Sciences and Biology: Mechanisms, Laws and their Explanatory Virtues
[download]Promotor(s): Erik Weber and Jeroen Van Bouwel
Ghent University, May 15, 2013
Wieland, Jan Willem
And So On. Two Theories of Regress Arguments in Philosophy.
[download]Promotor(s): Erik Weber and Maarten Van Dyck
Ghent University, February 25, 2013
Froeyman, Anton
'I began with the desire to speak with the dead': de ethiek als 'eerste filosofie' van de geschiedschrijving
[download]Promotor(s): Gertrudis Van De Vijver
Ghent University, , 2013
Beirlaen, Mathieu
Tolerating Normative Conflicts in Deontic Logic.
[download]Promotor(s): Joke Meheus and Christian Straßer
Ghent University, September 13, 2012