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Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
Batens, Diderik. 2017. Pluralism In Scientific Problem Solving. Why Inconsistency Is No Big Deal. Humana.Mente Journal of Philosophical Studies 32: 149–177.
Gervais, Raoul, and Erik Weber. 2013. Plausibility Versus Richness In Mechanistic Models. PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY 26: 139–152.
Batens, Diderik. 1971. The Paradoxes Of Confirmation. Revue internationale de philosophie 95–96: 101–118.
Batens, Diderik. 1992. Paraconsistente En Relevante Logica's. Wijsgerig perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap 32/2: 53–59.
Meheus, Joke. 2003. Paraconsistent Compatibility. Logique et Analyse 46: 251–287.
Batens, Diderik. 1999. Paraconsistency And Its Relation To Worldviews. Foundations of Science 3: 259–283.
Heeffer, Albrecht. 2006. The Origin Of The Problems In Euler's Algebra. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 13: 949–952.
