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De Mol, Liesbeth. 2004. Computer Generated Images As Mathematical Tools. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Generative Art, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Generative Art,.
De Vreese, Leen. 2014. The Concept Of Disease And Our Responsibility For Children Christian Perring and Wells, Lloyd. Diagnostic Dilemmas in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: 35–55.
Froeyman, Anton. 2009. Concepts Of Causation In Historiography. Historical methods 42: 116–128.
Heeffer, Albrecht. 2008. A Conceptual Analysis Of Early Arabic Algebra Shahid Rahman, Street, Tony, and Tahiri, Hassan. The unity of science in the arabic tradition : science, logic, epistemology and their interactions: 89–128.
Šešelja, Dunja, and Christian Straßer. 2013. Concerning Peter Vickers' Recent Treatment Of 'paraconsistencitis'. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 28: 325–340.
Van Bouwel, Jeroen. 2004. The Consequences Of Scientific Pluralism For Science Policy. In Proceedings of V Jornadas Latinoamericanas de estudios sociales de la ciencia y de la tecnología, Proceedings of V Jornadas Latinoamericanas de estudios sociales de la ciencia y de la tecnología,.
Batens, Diderik. 2014. The Consistency Of Peano Arithmetic. A Defeasible Perspective Patrick Allo and Van Kerkhove, Bart. Modestly Radical or Radically Modest. Festschrift for Jean Paul Van Bendegem on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday: 11–59.
Primiero, Giuseppe. 2010. Constructive Contextual Modal Judgments For Reasoning From Open Assumptions. In Proceedings of the Computability in Europe 2010 Conference, Proceedings of the Computability in Europe 2010 Conference, F Ferreira, Guerra, H, Mayordomo, E, and Rasga, J. Centre for Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, Department of Mathematics, University of Azores.
Van Dyck, Maarten. 2007. Constructive Empiricism And The Argument From Underdetermination. Bradley Monton. Images of empiricism: Essays on science and stances, with a reply from Bas van Fraassen: 11–31.
Primiero, Giuseppe. 2009. A Constructive Modal Semantics For Contextual Verification. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Logic-Based Interpretation of Context: Modeling and Applications, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Logic-Based Interpretation of Context: Modeling and Applications, CEUR-Workshop Proceedings.
Batens, Diderik. 2007. Content Guidance In Formal Problem Solving Processes Olga Pombo and Gerner, Alexander. Abduction and the Process of Scientific Discovery: 121–156.
