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E.g., 12/02/2025
1 December 2010 Lecture

Predicate wormism -- A quinean account of de re modality

In ‘Worlds away’ W.V.Quine attempts to shew that possible worlds, unlike times, cannot provide robust continuity conditions for the sort of ordinary objects that we want to talk about. Quine thinks of individuals as ‘worms’ constructed as strings of events over times and...

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18 November 2010 to 19 November 2010 Workshop

Third Workshop on the Philosophy of Information

An ambitious project like the philosophy of information cannot operate in isolation. Not only does it have to rely on input from the sciences of information and computation, it also needs to convince those who are sympathetic to the project (including those who had been...

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26 October 2010 Lecture

Is computational structuralism a structuralism?

Computational structuralism has been presented by [Halbach-Horsten 2005] and [Quinon-Zdanowski 2007] as a particular type of structuralism with respect to the structure of natural numbers. It has even been claimed that this approach can solve problems of traditional...

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20 September 2010 to 22 September 2010 Conference

Logic, Reasoning and Rationality. An International Congress in Honour of Diderik Batens.

According to the members of the Wiener Kreis, there was a strong connection between logic, reasoning, and rationality. They believed that human reasoning (and in particular scientific reasoning) is rational in so far as it is based on logic (which meant for them Classical...

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30 June 2010 Lecture

The context-sensitivity of counterfactual accounts of causality

That causal claims are context sensitive is uncontroversial; the ranger cites the lightning bolt as the cause of the forest fire whereas the Venusian cites the atmosphere’s being saturated with oxygen (Putnam 1982: 150). Controversy abounds as to whether this context...

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28 May 2010 Lecture

Knowledge as Indicativity and Perceptual Invariantism

In this talk the indicativity account of knowledge is applied to the problem of perceptual skepticism, and in particular to the retraction phenomenon, which involves the reaction of the subject to a skeptical challenge, whereby the subject retracts her earlier assertion. A...

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19 April 2010 Doctoral defense

Models in Science: Essays on Scientific Virtues, Scientific Pluralism and the Distribution of Labour in Science

Doctoral Defense Rogier De Langhe, Promotor: Erik Weber and Jeroen Van Bouwel
9 October 2009 Lecture

On Judgment Aggregation in Abstract Argumentation

Judgment aggregation is a field in which individuals are required to vote for or against a certain decision (the conclusion) while providing reasons for their choice. The reasons and the conclusion are logically connected propositions. The problem is how a collective...

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27 August 2009 to 29 August 2009 Conference

Philosophical Aspects of Symbolic Reasoning in Early Modern Science and Mathematics (PASR)

This conference brings together scholars working on philosophy of science, history of philosophy and history of science and/or mathematics. The topic is the role and function of symbolic representations in the development of modern science and mathematics from the end of...

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13 May 2009 Lecture

Pseudo- en parawetenschappen: zin, onzin en tussenin.

Telepathie, helderziendheid, telekinese, astrologie, morfologische velden, kwantumbewustzijn, ..., de lijst kan (helaas) eindeloos aangevuld worden. Klopt er ook maar iets van? En, indien het antwoord negatief is, rijst onvermijdelijk de vervolgvraag: waarom heeft het dan...

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