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E.g., 18/02/2025
25 May 2012 Lecture

The License to Kill: Conflicts between explicit permissions and prohibitions

The License to Kill: Conflicts between explicit permissions and prohibitions
25 May 2012 Lecture

Relevance logic as a conservative extension of classical logic

Relevance logic as a conservative extension of classical logic
24 May 2012 Doctoral defense

Generic Formats for Prioritized Adaptive Logics. With Applications in Deontic Logic, Abduction and Belief Revision

Doctoral Defense Frederik Van De Putte, Promotor: Joke Meheus and Peter Verdée
11 May 2012 Lecture

What You Should Believe

In this lunch talk we'll defend a principle that tells you what you should believe. As it does not tell you what you should eat, you'll have to bring your own lunch.
20 April 2012 Lecture

From substantival to functional vitalism and beyond: animas, organisms and attitudes

I distinguish between what I call ‘substantival’ and ‘functional’ forms of vitalism in the eighteenth century. Substantival vitalism presupposes the existence of something like a (substantive) vital force which either plays a causal role in the natural world as studied by...

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12 April 2012 to 13 April 2012 Conference

PhDs in Logic IV

PhDs in Logic IV is a graduate conference organized by and for PhD-students. This edition is the fourth one of an annual Belgian–Dutch happening; earlier editions took place in Ghent (2009), Tilburg (2010), and Brussels (2011). As all previous PhDs in Logic conferences,...

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30 March 2012 Lecture

Het gebruik van empirische data voor normatief georinteerde bioethiek

Het gebruik van empirische data voor normatief georinteerde bioethiek
19 January 2012 to 20 January 2012 Workshop

Perspectivalism Workshop

"Nothing dictates whether the skies shall be marked off into constellations or other objects. We have to make what we find, be it the Great Dipper, Sirius, food, fuel, or a stereo system." (Nelson Goodman) Various philosophers have claimed that facts of a...

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18 January 2012 Workshop

Epistemology Meeting: Doxastic Attitudes

People believe, disbelieve, hypothesize, withhold belief about, understand, are ignorant of, etc. all sorts of things. The goal of the meeting is to explore the significant differences between these attitudes.
7 November 2011 to 10 November 2011 Conference

History and Philosophy of Computing

Calculemus! Let us calculate! These are Leibniz’ famous words. He would probably not have imagined that about three centuries later almost anybody would actually rely on computations in his/her everyday life. Especially since the development of the so-called personal...

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