Events archive
14 March 2008 | Lecture |
Epistemic complexity from an objective Bayesian perspectiveEvidence can be complex in various ways: e.g., it may exhibit structural complexity, containing information about causal, hierarchical or logical structure as well as empirical data, or it may exhibit combinatorial complexity, containing a complex combination of kinds of... |
13 March 2008 | Doctoral defense |
Laws of Nature and Causality in the Special Sciences. A Philosophical and Formal AnalysisDoctoral Defense Bert Leuridan, Promotor: Joke Meheus |
10 March 2008 | Lecture |
Panpsychism, Emergence, and Dynamical SystemsThe lecture will begin with a brief overview of the current state of philosophy mind, with a focus on the problem of emergence within a physicalist framework. Emergence of mind occurs on at least two levels (combinatorial and ontologic), and involves at least three... |
8 February 2008 | Lecture |
An Adaptive Logic Framework for Abstract ArgumentationAn Adaptive Logic Framework for Abstract Argumentation |
25 January 2008 | Lecture |
A Stroll Through Dynamic Epistemic logicRepresenting an epistemic situation involving several agents depends very much on the modeling point of view one takes. In fact, the interpretation of a formalism relies quite a lot on the nature of this modeling point of view. Classically, in epistemic logic, the models... |
14 December 2007 | Lecture |
How to be a Scientific Realist: a Proposal for EmpiricistsThe thought that there is a way to reconcile empiricism with a realist stance towards scientific theories, avoiding instrumentalism and without fearing that this will lead straight to metaphysics, has been tempting for many empiricists—and certainly many of the logical... |
7 December 2007 to 8 December 2007 | Conference |
Structure and IdentityIt is known since Plato that, in order to remain metaphysically consistent, one cannot simply equate a thing with the collection of its properties, i.e., count its being among the predicates applicable to it (Kant agreed with him in this respect). Transcendental idealism (... |
9 November 2007 | Lecture |
The Language of Dialetheism II: the Powers of Language.Assume, for the sake of argument, that there are true contradictions. Assume, further, that these are generated by our languages/conceptual schemes. Perhaps one cannot always revise these to avoid the contradictions. But if we can, should we? I will argue that this is not... |
8 November 2007 to 9 November 2007 | Workshop |
Causation in Science and TechnologyCausation in Science and Technology |
10 October 2007 | Lecture |
Conjuntions in the Discursive LogicIn the logical literature, Discursive (or Discussive) Logic introduced by Stanislaw Jaskowski is recognized as one of the earliest examples of the so-called paraconsistent logic. There is some confusion over what is actually discursive logic nevertheless. Some authors takes... |