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E.g., 13/02/2025
14 March 2008 Lecture

Epistemic complexity from an objective Bayesian perspective

Evidence can be complex in various ways: e.g., it may exhibit structural complexity, containing information about causal, hierarchical or logical structure as well as empirical data, or it may exhibit combinatorial complexity, containing a complex combination of kinds of...

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13 March 2008 Doctoral defense

Laws of Nature and Causality in the Special Sciences. A Philosophical and Formal Analysis

Doctoral Defense Bert Leuridan, Promotor: Joke Meheus
10 March 2008 Lecture

Panpsychism, Emergence, and Dynamical Systems

The lecture will begin with a brief overview of the current state of philosophy mind, with a focus on the problem of emergence within a physicalist framework. Emergence of mind occurs on at least two levels (combinatorial and ontologic), and involves at least three...

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8 February 2008 Lecture

An Adaptive Logic Framework for Abstract Argumentation

An Adaptive Logic Framework for Abstract Argumentation
25 January 2008 Lecture

A Stroll Through Dynamic Epistemic logic

Representing an epistemic situation involving several agents depends very much on the modeling point of view one takes. In fact, the interpretation of a formalism relies quite a lot on the nature of this modeling point of view. Classically, in epistemic logic, the models...

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14 December 2007 Lecture

How to be a Scientific Realist: a Proposal for Empiricists

The thought that there is a way to reconcile empiricism with a realist stance towards scientific theories, avoiding instrumentalism and without fearing that this will lead straight to metaphysics, has been tempting for many empiricists—and certainly many of the logical...

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7 December 2007 to 8 December 2007 Conference

Structure and Identity

It is known since Plato that, in order to remain metaphysically consistent, one cannot simply equate a thing with the collection of its properties, i.e., count its being among the predicates applicable to it (Kant agreed with him in this respect). Transcendental idealism (...

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9 November 2007 Lecture

The Language of Dialetheism II: the Powers of Language.

Assume, for the sake of argument, that there are true contradictions. Assume, further, that these are generated by our languages/conceptual schemes. Perhaps one cannot always revise these to avoid the contradictions. But if we can, should we? I will argue that this is not...

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8 November 2007 to 9 November 2007 Workshop

Causation in Science and Technology

Causation in Science and Technology
10 October 2007 Lecture

Conjuntions in the Discursive Logic

In the logical literature, Discursive (or Discussive) Logic introduced by Stanislaw Jaskowski is recognized as one of the earliest examples of the so-called paraconsistent logic. There is some confusion over what is actually discursive logic nevertheless. Some authors takes...

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