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E.g., 14/02/2025
15 February 2013 Workshop

Philosophical Activism

What is philosophical activism? What makes philosophy into philosophical activism and how does it relate to the widely accepted notion of philosophy as first and foremost a reflective endeavour? If the 'love of wisdom' motivates, as it is said, a critical...

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30 November 2012 Lecture

Paraconsistent Concept Formation in Structuralist Framework

The formation of a theoretical concept is brought about by establishing axioms of a scientific theory that determine the meaning of that concept. We are familiar with this idea from the work of Carnap and others. All formal accounts, however, of the formation of theoretical...

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23 November 2012 Lecture

A formal framework for structured argumentation

Argumentation is currently an important research topic in artificial intelligence. Argumentation is a form of reasoning that makes explicit the reasons for the conclusions that are drawn and how conflicts between reasons are resolved. This provides a natural mechanism to...

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10 October 2012 to 12 October 2012 Conference

Turing in Context II - Historical and Contemporary Research in Logic, Computing Machinery and AI

In the spirit of Alan Turing's interdisciplinary research, an international meeting will be held at the Royal Flemish Academy for the Sciences and Arts, exploring recent research into the many directions brought together in his work. This meeting is the second...

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28 September 2012 Lecture

The Social Life of the Brain

Headlines assigning agency to the brain have been a prominent feature of our media landscape for almost two decades, with the brain being credited for everything from God and morals to our personalities and our chess moves. The brains of celebrated personalities from Lenin...

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14 September 2012 Workshop

Acting Right. A Workshop on Norms, Games and Actions

Acting Right is a one-day workshop on (relations between) norms, games and actions organized at the Ghent University Faculty of Arts and Humanities by the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science ( Specific topics discussed during the...

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13 September 2012 Doctoral defense

Tolerating Normative Conflicts in Deontic Logic

Doctoral Defense Mathieu Beirlaen, Promotor: Joke Meheus and Christian Strasser
10 September 2012 Lecture

Adding precision to norms of mechanistic explanation: disambiguating functional reasoning in mechanistic explanation

In this presentation I outline my research proposal “Explanatory Reasoning: a Mechanistic Perspective” for the research project “Methodological and Epistemological Analysis of Scientific Reasoning Processes”. The overall aim of my proposal is to develop an account of...

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3 August 2012 Lecture

Confusion and Vagueness

Sometimes we treat two or more things as one, ignoring the difference between them. Call this "confusion". Sometimes we're confused because we don't realize at all that there are distinct things involved, as when I thought that Sam Neill and Sam Rockwell...

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25 May 2012 Lecture

Dynamic Proof Theories for Reasoning With Conditional Knowledge Bases

Dynamic Proof Theories for Reasoning With Conditional Knowledge Bases
