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20 June 2008 Lecture

Constructing inferential contexts

Representation of inferential contexts may need logical systems that could be different from classical ones, particularly when the pretension is to model how inferences are in concrete scientific practices. Such contexts will be represented by means of different consequence...

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6 June 2008 Lecture

Empirical Generalizations in the Social Sciences

The concept of empirical generalisation has recently received close attention in the causal modelling debate. Notably, in Woodward’s account, empirical generalisations replace the traditional concept of law. This paper investigates the role of empirical generalisations in...

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2 June 2008 Lecture

Causality, probability, and the problem of conditional propensities

My talk will aim at giving an overview of my dissertation, which deals with probabilistic theories of causation. I will first explain that generic causation and singular causation are in dissimilar positions with regard to probabilistic theories, and I will briefly set out...

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30 May 2008 Doctoral defense

Vage logica's, concepten en betekenistransformatoren

Doctoral Defense Stephan van der Waart van Gulik, Promotor: Joke Meheus
26 May 2008 Lecture

Hybrid Dialogues and Formal Abduction

We present the dialogical approach to logic, in a conceptual framework that, although deeply influenced by S. Rahman's work, is new in a number of respect. We show how to give in this framework a dialogical semantics for a variety of modal logics, relying on Gabbay...

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22 April 2008 Lecture

On the proper explanation of intuitionistic logic: Brouwer's demonstration of the bar theorem

(from a joint work with G. Sundholm) Brouwer's demonstration of his Bar Theorem gives rise to provocative questions regarding the proper explanation of the logical connectives within intuitionistic and constructivist frameworks, respectively, and, more generally,...

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22 April 2008 Doctoral defense

Logische bewijsdynamieken voor de formele explicatie van wetenschappelijke probleemoplossingsprocessen

Doctoral Defense Peter Verdée, Promotor: Diderik Batens
9 April 2008 Lecture

Modal Interpretation of Plural Quantifiers

I discuss the question of ontological commitment of plural quantification. First, I introduce the language of Quantified Name Logic (QNL^e) and provide it with a set-theoretic semantics . Next, I compare QNL^e with Boolos's logic of plurals and prove that the...

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7 April 2008 to 8 April 2008 Conference

Whatever is neither everywhere nor anywhere does not exist" - The Concepts of Space and Time in the 17th Century"

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers who investigate different aspects of the conceptual development that the concepts of space and time underwent in the seventeenth century, by analyzing the problems that confronted natural philosophers at the time....

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14 March 2008 Lecture

Beyond Simplicity: Integrative Knowledge in a Complex World

Complexity is not beyond our understanding; it requires a new way of understanding. It requires a more detailed analysis of the many roles context plays in shaping natural phenomena. Historical contingency conspires with episodes of randomness to create the actual forms...

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