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Gabbay, Dov M, and Christian Straßer. 2013. Reactive Standard Deontic Logic. Journal of Logic and Computation 25: 117–157.
Gauderis, Tjerk. 2013. Pauli's Idea Of The Neutrino: How Models In Physics Allow To Revive Old Ideas For New Purposes Lorenzo Magnani. Model-based reasoning in science and technology : theoretical and cognitive issues: 449-461.
Gauderis, Tjerk. 2011. An Adaptive Logic Based Approach To Abduction In Ai. Ninth International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Action and Change: 1-6.
Gauderis, Tjerk, and Frederik Van De Putte. 2012. Abduction Of Generalizations. Theoria - revista de teoria historia y fundamentos de la ciencia 27: 345–364.
Gervais, Raoul. 2014. A Framework For Inter-Level Explanations: Outlines For A New Explanatory Pluralism.. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 48: 1–9.
Gervais, Raoul, and Erik Weber. 2013. Inferential Explanations In Biology. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44: 356–364.
Gervais, Raoul, and Erik Weber. 2013. Plausibility Versus Richness In Mechanistic Models. PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY 26: 139–152.
