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E.g., 25/04/2024
18 November 2005 Lecture

From Solvability to Unsolvability: Posts frustrating problem of Tag.

In 1931 Kurt Gödel published his incompleteness results, and some years later Church and Turing showed that the decision problem for certain systems of symbolic logic has a negative solution. However, already in 1921 the young logician Emil Post worked on similar problems...

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28 October 2005 Lecture

Een Erotetisch Model

De bestaande erotetische logica’s (Harrah, Belnap, Hintikka, Wiœniewski) vertonen enkele belangrijke nadelen en beperkingen: het probleem van logische alwetendheid en het ontbreken van een bewijstheorie, evokatie en implicatie van irrelevante vragen, de beperking van which-...

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22 September 2005 Doctoral defense

De Disjunctie. Adaptief-logische formalisering van een aantal Griceaanse implicaturen

Doctoral Defense Liza Verhoeven, Promotor: Diderik Batens
9 September 2005 Lecture

A New Semantics for Quantification for Substructural and Modal Logics

This is a non-technical talk that presents a new approach to the semantics of the quantifiers. On the standard approach, (forall x)Fx is true if and only if Fx is true for all assignments of the variable x to individuals in the domain. The standard approach, however, has...

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1 July 2005 Lecture

Paraconsistentization of Logics?

Given a logic, how to obtain its paraconsistent counterpart? Given a paraconsistent logic, how to obtain the non-paraconsistent counterpart of this logic? Many systems of paraconsistent logics were already proposed using different methods and techniques. Although this fact...

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24 June 2005 Lecture

Adaptive Proofs

We investigate the notion of final derivability. Specifically, we describe the maximal recursion-theoretic complexity of the set of final consequences of decidable sets of premises formulated in the language of propositional logic. Our results show that taking the final...

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10 June 2005 Lecture

An Adaptive logic for CLmin

I will present an adaptive logic for the (monotonic) logic CLmin, the logic which underlies the goal directed proof procedure from [2], and which allows all classical consequences of a premise set to be derivable, except for those which where derived by means of the...

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2 June 2005 to 3 June 2005 Workshop

5th Metaphysics of Science Workshop

5th Metaphysics of Science Workshop
12 April 2005 Lecture

4 Basic Logical Issues

Among the diversity of logical issues, the most profound and fundamental issues in logic concern the choice of the inferential logic itself. I will discuss the following four issues that need to be addressed in association with the choice of logic. (I) Classical versus non-...

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24 March 2005 Doctoral defense

Prospectieve Dynamiek. Filosofische en technische onderbouwing van doelgerichte bewijzen en bewijsheuristieken

Doctoral Defense Dagmar Provijn, Promotor: Diderik Batens
