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E.g., 27/07/2024
17 March 2005 Lecture

Levels of Causation

At the population-level, smoking causes lung cancer. But what about 'Harry's smoking caused him to develop lung cancer? Or 'in spite of his heavy smoking, Harry did not develop lung cancer'? What does epistemology have to say about the levels of...

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4 March 2005 Lecture

The Epistemology of Complexity

In this talk I suggest that scientific investigations into biological complexity afford us the opportunity to rethink our understanding of scientific laws and of causal inference. First, I will discuss the "evolutionary contingency thesis" proposed by John...

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18 February 2005 Lecture

Assertion, Knowledge, and Rational Credibility

The view that assertions are governed by the rule that we should assert only what we know, is enjoying growing popularity. This paper argues that it is more plausible to assume that assertions are governed by the rule that we should assert only that is rationally credible...

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9 December 2004 to 10 December 2004 Conference

Explanation in Science and Technology

More information on this event will follow.
26 November 2004 Lecture

De inductieve methodes en canons van Mill vs. de adaptieve logica's van inductie

De (klassieke) adaptieve logica's van inductie leiden van een verzameling empirische gegevens en een verzameling achtergrondkennis, tot veralgemeningen. Inductie wordt hierbij dus opgevat als 'veralgemening' en uit de afgeleide veralgemingen kunnen dan...

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12 November 2004 Lecture

Causality in occupational and environmental health research.

In occupational and environmental health we study the relationship between exposure to chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic and psychosocial factors at work or in the environment and the incidence of disease. Epidemiological and experimental in vivo and in vitro...

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22 October 2004 Lecture

A Diagrammatic Proof Search Procedure With some Considerations on Analogical and Diagrammatic Models

The talk concerns a diagrammatic procedure for proof search in classical propositional logic P. The procedure may be extended to full predicative classical logic and may be (heavily) varied to accommodate intuitionistic logic and other logics. The idea is to start from a...

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20 October 2004 Lecture

Is there a logic of humour?

Some people believe that if there is any reasoning process that cannot be captured by logic, it should be our apprehension of humour. Incongruity-based humour, however, has been analysed, especially by cognitive linguists, as something which can be regimented...

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8 October 2004 Lecture

A Unificationist Theory of Scientific Explanation

Part I: Singular explanation. We all know that Hempel, in his famous covering-law model of scientific explanation, proposed that a bona fide explanation is a certain sort of logical argument. From a premise stating a law of nature (or law-like premise, if we are cautious) a...

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24 September 2004 to 25 September 2004 Conference

International Congress Thought Experiments Rethought

Thought Experiments Rethought
