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E.g., 11/09/2024
23 September 2004 Conference

Modal Epistemology

More information on this event will follow.
3 September 2004 Doctoral defense

Logica in communicatie. Bijdragen vanuit vraaglogica en 'belief revision', steunend op adaptieve logica's

Doctoral Defense Kristof De Clerq, Promotor: Diderik Batens
18 June 2004 Lecture

Ascribing Contemporary Predicates Past Thinkers Lacked. How to avoid flat anachronisms.

The main focus of my talk will be the question “How can we ascribe notions from theories of philosophy of science to past scientists (in my research: 17th-century natural philosophers) who clearly lacked such notions?”. Such an enterprise seems to be vexed with the...

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12 May 2004 Doctoral defense

Logica en het waardevolle in de wereld. De rol van adaptieve logica's bij de constructie van theorieën

Doctoral Defense Guido Vanackere, Promotor: Diderik Batens
6 May 2004 to 8 May 2004 Conference

VlaPoLo9 - International Workshop Patterns of Scientific Reasoning: Adaptive and Interrogative Perspectives

Patterns of Scientific Reasoning: Adaptive and Interrogative Perspectives
23 April 2004 Lecture

Common cause completeability and causal closedness of probability theories.

Reichenbach's Common Cause Principle states that if there exists a probabilistic correlation between two events then either there is a direct causal connection between the correlated events or there exists a (Reichenbachian) common cause that explains the correlation...

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22 March 2004 Lecture

Scientific Analogies: How they are used and how we can study them.

Two extreme theses can be formulated with respect to analogies: 1. Analogies have a temporary and a purely heuristic function. 2. All our thinking is conducted in terms of analogies. The first thesis has its natural locus in 1950s and 1960s philosophy of science (and before...

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12 March 2004 Lecture

De rol van symbolische representatie in probleemoplossing.

In zijn monumentale studie over de geschiedenis van wiskundige symboliek, hanteert Florian Cajori (1928-9), de zeer enge interpretatie van 'symbool' als 'teken' en maakt hierdoor geen onderscheid tussen bvb. het gelijkteken in een rekenkundige berekening...

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27 February 2004 Lecture

Is structureel realisme de juiste wetenschappelijke metafysica?

Is structureel realisme de juiste wetenschappelijke metafysica?
13 February 2004 Lecture

A Glimpse of the Secret Connexion: Harmonising Mechanisms with Counterfactuals.

Among the current philosophical attempts to understand causation two seem to be the most prominent. The first is James Woodward's counterfactual approach; the second is the mechanistic approach advocated by Peter Machamer, Lindley Darden, Carl Craver, Jim Bogen and...

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