Office Address:
Blandijnberg 2 - Room 120.057
B-9000 Ghent
Office hours:
By appointment.Research Interests
- logics of social interaction - deontic logic - classical (non-normal) modal logics - multi-agent systems - collective decision-making - deliberative democracyFurther Information
I am Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation-Flanders at the Ghent Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (Ghent University) and assistent professor in philosophy at the Erasmus School of Philosophy (Erasmus University of Rotterdam). I serve as Associate Editor for Erkenntnis. I obtained a PhD at Ghent University in 2012 with a dissertation on so-called “adaptive logics”, a specific branch of non-monotonic logics. Since then I have been a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University, working on various topics such as collective responsibility, deontic conflicts, general modal logic, and logics and analytic philosophy of agency and action. My full CV and publication list (including downloadable preprints) can be found on this page.Curriculum Vitae
CV FrederikVanDePutte online.pdfRecent publications
Frijters, Stef, and Frederik Van De Putte. 2021. “Classical Term-Modal Logics”. JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION 31: 1026-1054. {}.
Van De Putte, Frederik, and Dominik Klein. 2020. “Pooling Modalities And Pointwise Intersection: Axiomatization And Decidability”. Studia Logica online first.
Van De Putte, Frederik, Mathieu Beirlaen, and Joke Meheus. 2019. “Adaptive Deontic Logics: A Survey”. IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications 6: 523-608.