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Van Bouwel, Jeroen, and Erik Weber. 2002. Remote Causes, Bad Explanations?. The Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32: 437-449.
De Mey, Tim. 2005. Remodeling The Past. Foundations of Science 10: 47–66.
Urbaniak, Rafal. 2008. Reducing Sets To Modalities Alexander Hieke and Hannes, Leitgeb. Proceedings of the 31st International Wittgenstein Symposium of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society XVI: 359-361.
Meheus, Joke. 1993. Recente Ontwikkelingen In Onze Opvatting Over Creativiteit Bart Raymaekers. Gehelen en fragmenten. De vele gezichten van de filosofie: 259–261.
Urbaniak, Rafal. 2009. Reasoning With Dynamic Conceptual Frames. Erik Weber, Libert, Thierry, Marage, Pierre, and Vanpaemel, Geert. Logic, Philosophy and History of Science in Belgium. Proceedings of the Young Researchers Days 2008: 84-89.
Weber, Erik. 1995. Realism And Scientific Explanations Paul Cortois. The Many Problems of Realism: 43–57.
Gabbay, Dov M, and Christian Straßer. 2013. Reactive Standard Deontic Logic. Journal of Logic and Computation 25: 117–157.
Weber, Erik. 1999. Rationality In The Discovery Of Empirical Laws. Foundations of Science 4: 355–368.
Batens, Diderik. 1974. Rationality And Justification. Philosophica 14: 83–103.
