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Urbaniak, Rafal. 2014. S\lupecki's Generalized Mereology And Its Flaws. History and Philosophy of Logic 35: 289–300.
Kurtonina, Natasha, and Maarten De Rijke. 1997. Simulating Without Negation.. Journal of logic and computation 7: 501–522.
De Mol, Liesbeth, and Maarten Bullynck. 2012. The Turing Centenary Conference CiE 2012: How the World Computes A Short History Of Small Machines.
Straßer, Christian, and Ofer Arieli. 2014. Sequent-Based Argumentation For Normative Reasoning. Deontic Logic and Normative Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8554: 224–240.
Primiero, Giuseppe, and Laszlo Kosolosky. In Press. The Semantics Of Untrustworthiness. Topoi. An International Reiew of Philosophy.
Ducheyne, Steffen. 2005. Secularizerende Tendenzen In Isaac Newtons Onto-Theologie. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 98: 18–33.
Weber, Erik. 1997. Scientific Explanation And The Interrogative Model Of Inquiry M Sintonen. Knowledge and inquiry : essays on Jaakko Hintikka's epistemology and philosophy of science 51: 239–259.
Weber, Erik. 1992. Scientific Explanation. Philosophica 49: 148–154.
Weber, Erik. 1995. Scientific Arguments And Scientific Prediction. F. H Van Eemeren, Grootendorst, R., Blair, J., and Willart, C. Special Fields and Cases. Proceedings on the Third ISSA Conference on Argumentation IV: 377-387.
Van Bendegem, Jean Paul. 1998. Schoonheid In De Wiskunde: Birkhoff Revisited. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 60: 106–130.
Wieland, Jan Willem. 2014. Sceptical Rationality. Analytic Philosophy 55: 222–238.
