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Ducheyne, Steffen. 2008. Towards An Ontology Of Scientific Models. Metaphysica: International Journal for Ontology and Metaphysics 9: 119-127.
Van Bouwel, Jeroen. 2005. Towards A Framework For Pluralisms In Economics. Post-Autistic Economics Review 30: 24–27.
Batens, Diderik. 2009. Towards A Dialogic Interpretation Of Dynamic Proofs Cédric Dégremont, Keiff, Laurent, and Rückert, Helge. Dialogues, Logics and Other Strange Things. Essays in Honour of Shahid Rahman: 27–51.
Urbaniak, Rafal. 2007. Time Travel And Conditional Logics. In Logica 2007 Yearbook, Logica 2007 Yearbook,.
De Mey, Tim. 2002. Thought Experiments, Conceivability Arguments And Conceptual Blending. Odense Working Papers in Language and Communication 24: 143–156.
