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Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Batens, Diderik. 1990. Against Global Paraconsistency. Studies in Soviet Thought 39: 209–229.
Ducheyne, Steffen. 2007. Algunas Notas Metodológicas Sobre Los Experimentos De J.b. Van Helmont. Azogue, Revista electrónica dedicada al histórico crítico de la alquimia 5: 100–107.
Vanackere, Guido. 1997. Ambiguity-Adaptive Logic. Logique et Analyse 159: 261–280.
Urbaniak, Rafal. 2003. Analysis Of Kotarbinski's Reistic Reasonings. {Logiczne Podstawy Rozumowań 3: 62–81.
Froeyman, Anton. 2010. Anticipation And The Constitution Of Time In The Philosophy Of Ernst Cassirer. Casys: International journal of computing anticipatory systems 23: 11.
Van Bouwel, Jeroen, and Michiel Van Oudheusden. 2017. Beyond Consensus? A Reply To Alan Irwin. SOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY REVIEW AND REPLY COLLECTIVE 6: 48–53.
Kurtonina, Natasha, and Maarten De Rijke. 1997. Bisimulations For Temporal Logic. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6: 403–425.
Batens, Diderik. 1982. A Bridge Between Two-Valued And Many-Valued Semantic Systems: N-Tuple Semantics. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic IEEE: Los Angeles, 318–322.
Urbaniak, Rafal, and Severi K Hämäri. 2012. Busting A Myth About Leśniewski And Definitions. History and philosophy of logic 33: 159–189.
