Integrating worldviews: research on the interdisciplinary construction of a model of reality with ethical and practical relevance.

Period 1 February 1997 to 30 June 2000
Type Co-operation between the Centre Leo Apostel (Free University of Brussels), the Centre for Metaphysic
Coordinator Diderik Batens
Funding Agencies FWO
The first part of the project is the editing of three texts about scientific metaphysics by Leo Apostel: 'Natuurfilosofie' (Philosophy of Nature), 'Oorsprong' (Origins), 'Levend Kristal' (Living Cristal). The second part is a doctorate about scientific metaphysics by one of the researchers (Wim Christiaens). The first part of the project is finished. Of the three texts, two will be published by the VUBpress: 'Natuurfilosofie' and 'Oorsprong'. The second part of the project is a contribution to metaphysical philosophy of science on the basis of Apostel's theory of causality and metaphysics and the Geneva-Brussels approach in the foundations of science (Constantin Piron, Diederik Aerts, Bob Coecke): the interpretation of physical theories results in a specific worldview which will be developed within the scientific metaphysics of Apostel.